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Baby Feeding Centre

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In response to the challenges faced by numerous mothers lacking proper spaces for breastfeeding in public place, an initiative was undertaken by our NGO to establish a Baby Feeding Centre at Balasaheb Thackeray Trauma Care Hospital. This endeavor aimed to create a supportive environment for mothers, ensuring a dedicated and comfortable space for feeding their babies. By addressing this need, the initiative sought to contribute to a more inclusive and nurturing community for mothers and their infants.

Emergency Medical Support

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Master Imad Shaikh is a 8 months old boy suffering from congenital heart disease he came from Uttar Pradesh. His father is a labourer and mother is a housewife they came to our Being Sevak Charitable Trust for seeking Emergency medical help and he got admitted him to Wadia Hospital, Parel, Mumbai. The child needed urgent surgery which cost around Rs. 2,00,000/-so our trust took an initiative to bear his operational cost. We are happy to report you that we got him successfully operated, he did very well during operation and now he has fully recovered well.


Rozgaar Booth Repairing

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Geeta Nazre, a 50-year-old visually impaired individual, had been allocated a telephone booth by the BMC in a severely deteriorated condition. Given that her family's income was reliant on this booth, urgent replacement was necessary. Unfortunately, her father, being a laborer, was unable to cover the cost of replacing the booth. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we took the initiative to replace the phone booth at a cost of 100,000 rupees. This small act of assistance has had a profound impact, rendering Geeta independent. The income derived from the new booth has significantly improved her family's financial well-being. This intervention has not only enhanced Geeta's individual circumstances but has also positively influenced the overall economic stability of her family

Sewing Machine

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Arvind Vyas, a member facing the added challenge of visual impaired, finds himself in the midst of financial adversity. In a gesture of support, we have provided him with a sewing machine. This seemingly modest assistance holds profound significance as it empowers Arvind’s wife, to work on sewing machine. This tale of perseverance and resourcefulness underscores the transformative impact that a seemingly small act of kindness. Arvind Vyas, navigating the intricate tapestry of life with visual impairment, encounters the added complexity of financial hardship. Their journey is a narrative of determination, where the constraints of visual impairment and economic struggle are met with creative solutions.


Tricycle to Lifecycle


Mr.Murli, a specially-abled individual, was provided with a tricycle to enhance his independence. This initiative aimed to empower him, enabling self-sufficiency and the ability to generate income. The tricycle not only became a symbol of mobility but also a tool for Murli to navigate life with increased autonomy, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-reliance.

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