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Health Camp with Medical Relief

Being Sevak charitable Trust yearly conducts Health Checkup Camps with medical relief for Blind & Needy members. We, along with the help of certified doctors, undertake routine checkup and tests like blood sugar, blood pressure, blood group, CBC etc. Most street children are exposed to dirt, smoke and other environmental hazards. We give medical relief to poor people suffering from chronic diseases like TB, leprosy, typhoid, malaria, and jaundice and liver/kidney disorders. SEVAK also celebrated “Free Dental Camp” for school’s students to educate them about the importance of cleaning teeth & also by giving them free dental kit

Eye Camp

The reality is that most of the blind people in India need not suffer. A cataract, for example, is one of the leading causes of blindness in India and the truth is that it is avoidable. Most people’s sight could be restored with a simple, safe and inexpensive operation. An Eye Camp is a means to provide cataract operations, medication, glasses and other treatments in the slums area. Sevak Eye Camps are set up with eye doctors, nurses and support staff to undertake the treatments in slums area. Those needing operations for cataracts removal are taken to eye hospitals and free glasses are distributed to those who have weak eye site. It also seeks to provide education, training and rehabilitation for Indians who are permanently blind”.

House Repairing Activity

Sevak team arranged house repairing activities for our Blind and Needy Members. Our NGO received applications throughout the year regarding house repairing like leakage in roof, doing POP & plastering on walls, making new kitchen, painting the house etc. Our team surveys all these applications and shortlists those who require the immediate attention and helps them depending on our resources.

Sevak Games with Members

Our organization celebrates “SEVAK GAMES” every year for specially abled members. The mission of this program is to show that life normal people, specially abled people can also be very active. The members participate to prove themselves & make others realize by giving a clear message that nothing is impossible in this world & life is a gift of god which we all should enjoy.

Education Facilities for Blind & Underprivileged Children

Education at grass-root level is the need of the hour! Slum children are unable to study due to lack of financial resources. India’s education statistics paint a grim picture. Moreover, education is a serious concern. Unfortunately, orphans “VIDHYA - Fight Against Illiteracy”. The Idea behind this project is to provide all types of educational support as Education is the birthright of every child. SEVAK also celebrates Free Dental Camp for students in schools by giving them free dental checkup and kit.

Public Awareness

Road Safety Awareness Campaign - Our main motto of this program is to make people aware about road safety and rules. Volunteers of Being Sevak Charitable Trust conducts this event at various locations like railway stations, bus stops and other public places with the help of local police & RTO.

Blind Widow Care

Our organization takes special care for the widow as they have no support or backing. In case of sudden death of any of our members, the organization provides immediate financial assistance to the family to conduct the funeral ceremony without any hassle.

Awareness for Swatch Bharat

In this program we try to motivate people by organizing cleaning campaign in nearby localities. Through our projects we try to spread awareness about the personal as well as the surrounding benefits of cleanliness. We create awareness in solving sanitation, water, cleanliness & hygiene issues.

Relief for Dialysis Patients

To add happiness to the lives of dialysis patients, we provide financial help to the greatest possible extent & support their families with FREE FOOD-GRAIN KITS. This kit is divided into 3 categories; large, medium & small. We provide this kit as per the capacity of SEVAK. We always make it a point to look after the medicinal relief of the dialysis patients as per the funds available with us.

Celebration of National Program

To keep the fire of patriotism burning in the hearts of our members, we celebrate the two major National days of India by hoisting our National Flag. We celebrate these days with all our Blind & needy members by arranging a small get-to-gather and providing entertainment. We start the rogram with a salute to our National Flag and singing our National Anthem. Later on, meals & Foodgrain Kits are also distributed.
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